Pride in Belonging
7th April 2022
Dear Old Boys
The months speed by at an alarming rate and Autumn has come as a bit of a shock. Where did Summer and the start of the year go?
Welcome to all those boys who left school at the end of 2021. We certainly are grateful that almost 100% of your year group have joined our ranks and hope you enjoy many rewarding ROBA experiences in the years ahead.
Welcome also to three new members of ROBA's Executive who "joined up" at the AGM. Andy Sims, Paddy Tatham and Mark Sprowson. The spread of ages within the committee is valuable.
Hawke's Bay Function
Thanks to the efforts of James Treadwell (1983-87) a very good gathering of ROBA and SMOGA people took place at Old Boy Tim Turvey's (1967-71), Clareview Estate, Te Awanga, Hawke's Bay. From all accounts it was a very enjoyable and successful event. One to be repeated!
Old Boys' Cricket Club
In what has become quite a tradition, the Cricket Club gathered up a talented team of cricketers to compete against the College in last January. Once again, the Old Boys were victorious and are grateful to Shay O'Gorman for his work for the club, to those Old Boys Simon Velvin who traveled from Auckland for the match. Well done all!
Rock Runner
The latest version of the Association's Rock Runner came off the press at Greenlees Print last week and can be found on the Old Boys website. Thank you for all those who were prepared to have their stories contained in the publication. If you have a story to tell or know of others who should be profiled, please let me know sooner rather than later. Also contact me if you wish to have a hard copy mailed out.
Lost from 1964
Those who have read the Rock Runner will know that Chris Gane (1964-68) is gathering the memories and stories of the boys who were at Rathkeale in 1964, the College's first year.
To that end he is keen to locate boys:
Robin J Forrester (1964-65)
Graham D Innes (1964-65)
Alastair/Sandy Muir (1964-66)
Anthony/Tony Muir (1965-67)
David J Robinson (1964-67)
If you know the whereabouts of any of the Old Boys, please contact cjbgane@hotmail.com as soon as possible.
The New Land
Old Boys who contributed to the purchase of the residual acres of the Maunsell Estate will be pleased to know that good progress is being made on tidying up the property.
An extension of the Eco trail now meanders through the School House bush, past the giant Kahikatea (known to the Maunsell family as Big John) and via the meteorite holes investigated by John Buckeridge and Michael Commin in around 1964 or 5.
The old cottage now glows in a fresh coat of paint. New fences now march across the property and an arborist has tided up many of the neglected trees that grace the paddocks.
The Ruamahanga Restoration Trust and the College Agriculture Department have some interesting plans for the future. Watch this space!
Queen's Birthday Decade Reunion's
Despite the fact that Covid is still lingering, it has been decided to proceed with this years' Reunion weekend at Queen's Birthday weekend.
The cohort who left School in 1972, 1981, 1992, 2002, 2012 (NB 1981 postponed from last year and 1982 until next year) will be gathering and often in association with their counterparts from St Matthews'.
Facilitators for all groups will be really keen to hear from you!
If you belong to any of the relevant year groups, please seriously consider coming along. From past experience, Old Boys have really enjoyed all that the weekend entails and we look forward to seeing you. Think about it!
Joe Clark
Last year we alerted Old Boys to the serious plight of OB, Joe Clark, who had become seriously ill in Shanghai, China. ROBA, and a number of individual Old Boys responded by financially supporting Joe and his family at that time.
Since then, Joe has remained in hospital in China until last week when he flew back to New Zealand. He, along with his wife and four children, are now back in Masterton where he continues to make quiet progress towards recovery. Good news!
With warmest regards to you all.
Mr. Grant Harper