Pride in Belonging
26 October 2021
Dear Old Boys
John Taylor used to say that you could go away from Rathkeale at the start of Labour Weekend and that when you returned Spring would have transformed the place. That is certainly true this year and today the College campus is smothered in the lush green of new growth.
It is a cliché to say that Covid has dramatically altered the way we live and the things we can and cannot do. Thankfully, the Wairarapa is more fortunate than some parts of the country and although the annual College Fete has been cancelled, we are pleased that the annual Leavers' Dinner, hosted by ROBA, and the Annual General Meeting are still proceeding. Old Boys are welcome to attend both events.
2021 Leavers' Dinner
Rathkeale College Dining Hall
Wednesday 3rd November
6:30 PM
Guest Speaker Wayne Forrest (College 1984 - 1986)
No charge for Old Boys. For more information visit the Old Boys' Website.
RSVP by Monday 1st November to mgh@rathkeale.school.nz
2021 Annual General Meeting
Lone Star Bar and Restaurant
Corner of Dixon and Church Streets, Masterton
Wednesday 17th November
6:00 PM drinks for 7:00 PM meeting.
This is a good time for Old Boys to register their willingness to join the executive. For more information visit the Old Boys' Website.
2021 ROBA Hawke's Bay Dinner
Another event which has already caught the imagination of Old Boys and St. Matt's Old Girls is a Hawke's Bay dinner being held at Old Boy Tim Turvey's Clearview Estate Winery at Te Awanga on Saturday 4th December at 7:00 PM. If you are keen to attend RSVP to James Treadwell on jamesblt@icloud.com For more information, visit the Old Boys' Website.
Golf Day
Also coming up is the inaugural Golf Day for Old Boys, Staff, and Students. There will be Student, Staff, and Old Boys competitions, stableford and gross. There will also be an overall champion and a team winner.
Friday 17th December at Masterton Golf Club.
Turn up from 11:00 AM with a shotgun start at 12 noon.
Teams of four to include at least 1 Old Boy, 1 Staff, and 1 Student.
Cost: $20 per player.
The day will conclude with a Club House Function.
Entries to: office@rathkeale.school.nz
NB: Some details may alter slightly nearer the event.
We are saddened to learn of the recent death of Simon Lai who was at the College from 1986 - 1990 as a member of Winchester House. We extend our sympathy to the Lai family.
As the end of the year looms, I wish all Old Boys and their families an enjoyable two months in the lead up to Christmas.
Warm regards
Grant Harper