Rathkeale Old Boys' Association Events

Rathkeale Old Boys' Events

ROBA Annual General Meeting

Notice is given of an AGM to be held at 7:00 PM on Wednesday 13 November 2024 at Lone Star Café and Bar in Masterton.

Old Boys are invited for drinks from 6 p.m. before the meeting. A brief committee meeting will follow the AGM.
All members of the Rathkeale Old Boys' Association are invited to attend.

Annual Leavers' Dinner

The 2024 Leavers’ Dinner - 7:00 PM, Wednesday 30th October 2024: Rathkeale College Dining Hall. Dress: Rathkeale Formal Uniform.

Each year the boys leaving the College are invited to attend a special dinner, hosted by ROBA and held in the College Dining Hall. The event features an introduction to the activities of the Old Boys' Association and includes a guest speaker. Members of the Old Boys' Executive and other Old Boys and long serving staff also attend.

Rathkeale Old Boys' Association warmly invites those students about to leave the College to the annual Leavers’ Dinner. This is a wonderful first insight into the benefits of becoming an Old Boy. Meet Old Boys that have gone before you, be inspired by what the future holds and see how your Rathkeale legacy will travel with you into the future.

Leavers joining the Association will be presented with their Old Boys tie at the dinner.

Membership of the Association is entirely voluntary. Those students who do not wish to join must email Mr Ewington before Wednesday 16th October at blair.ewington@trinityschools.nz

We look forward to meeting the Leavers at the Dinner.

Regional Events

An important aim of the Association is the fostering of social interaction between members and particularly between Old Boys. A number of regional sub-committees exist, and Auckland and Wellington have successfully hosted annual events for a number of years.

Any Old Boy who wishes to facilitate such events will readily be assisted by the Association who can provide contact details as held on the ROBA database and who may, as appropriate, underwrite such events.

ROBA is always pleased to hear from any Old Boys who are interested in playing a role in such activities.

Recent Happenings

Wellington & Wairarapa Christmas drinks function - 7 December 2023

We had a wonderful ROBA Wellington & Wairarapa Christmas drinks function at the White Swan on Friday 7 December. We had members across the ages. Chris Gannon (1966-1970) was up from Mapua. Pete and Prue Smith from Martinborough were there with others from that age group. Showing incredible dedication, Max Spencer (2014-2018) came literally from the airport having just landed from Boston, along with brother Tom and dad, Ray. Finally, the 2021 Leavers doing engineering at Canterbury, including Charlie Sims & Xavier White had a good time close by the outside fire. Great setting, lovely food and great company made for an excellent night.

The Second Great Hawke's Bay ROBA Old Boys and Girls End of Year Dinner - 10 December 2022

Held again at Clearview Estate courtesy of Old Boy Tim Turvey (1967-71) and gathered a good number of lads from the Bay including Northern Hawke’s Bay and Wairoa. Fine food and wine complemented an amusing address from our new ROBA President, Edward Cox.

Auckland Gathering - 3 November 2022

The Auckland Function organised by David Aitken, Michael Caulton and the St. Matthew's counterparts Kirsty Cowie and Vanessa Edge was an enjoyable and successful occasion. Patron John Taylor, past Principals Bruce and Gwen Levick, and ROBA President Grant Harper were in attendance.

Hawke's Bay ROBA End of Year Dinner - 4th December 2021

Held at Clearview Estate. An excellent turn out for this inaugural event.

The Covid virus took its toll on ROBA activities during the course of 2020. However, good numbers of Old Boys attended Bruce Hamilton's Memorial Service and the annual Founders' Day celebrations. 

Auckland Gathering - March 2019

This very well attended event was a combined ROBA / SMOGA function held at the Parnell Lawn Tennis Club.

Wairarapa Gathering-June 2019

This well attended gathering of parents, Old Boys and supporters of Whanganui Collegiate School and Rathkeale followed the annual winter exchange between the two schools.

Hawke's Bay Gathering -July 2019

This took place in Hastings in late July following the Rathkeale /Lindisfarne winter fixture.

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