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Tuesday 30th August 2024 at 3:30 PM

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Thursday 4th July 2024 at 2:00 PM

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King's Birthday Weekend

Friday 31 May & Saturday 1 June 2024

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Facebook is an increasingly popular means of communication between Old Boys and with the Association. Blair Ewington currently maintains this mode of communication.

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Gravel Newsletter

This newsletter is emailed out on an irregular basis to inform Old Boys of upcoming events or about news items of a general interest regarding Old Boys and the College.

Recent Newsletters

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The Rock Runner

The Annual Magazine of the Association

The Rock Runner magazine seeks to bring to Old Boys news of the College via reports from the Principal and Board of Trustees' Chair, Trinity Schools' Trust Board, news of Old Boys via articles referencing significant achievements, articles on recent staff appointments, obituaries and a focus on Old Boys' Association events over the past twelve months.

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